Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The bird has finally moved on.

The bird visited us every day for seven days. He has walked around us, sat on our vehicles, crawled over our feet, landed on my dads shoulder, and even landed right on top of my head. He let me touch him a few times, and I got some great pictures and videos. I will try to get the good stuff uploaded to youtube soon. When I do, I will have links. I will try do do some stand up comedy soon so you laugh at me. Just so you know, you can go ahead and start sending me money. Remember, it is better to give than to receive, so let me be on the losing side of this and you can send me a few bucks, and get that nice warm fuzzy feeling in your heart.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Today my Dad and I were in the same field, and we had sat down to eat a watermelon, and the same bird came back. He hoped all around us, and even got up on our feet. He did not seem to want any watermelon, but we did get a video of him on our feet. Remember, this is not a pet bird, he is totally wild. He also rode a ways on the hood of the truck, and looked through the windshield. I got that on video to, and will upload soon.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Paypal Donation

I have set up a paypal account, and now you can send me money. Before I go any further, let me make sure you understand, this is not a charity, hard luck case, or anything like that. I am NOT representing any charity, non profit, or any group, ministry, church, or anything like that. I am a private individual, who is here to make a profit. The reason you should give me a few bucks is because I entertain you. Think of it as tossing a buck or a few coins into the guitar case of a very talented performer. I can think of one more reason to do so, even out your paypal account. For example if you have $10.27 in your account, send me the 27 cents. That way you account will be even. Remember, I am not a mooch, just a talented comic, who is placing ALL his material for you to watch for FREE, instead of selling cds. So send me a few bucks. My paypal address is turkey4262@yahoo.com (just a quick edit, I have a personal account, so they wont let me accept credit cards, only payments funded by a paypal account balance.)

The Dangdest Things Happen To Me.

Yesterday I was out with my Dad, and we went through a field near my house, and a small bird
started following us on the ground. He would let us get really close, but never quite touch him. Today we went past the same area again, and the bird was back. He followed us around, walked between our feet, and even got up on my shoe. Today I was smart enough to bring my video camera, and take a few small videos, and a few pictures, which I made into a video on youtube.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Funny story-TRUE!!

I finally got time to sit down and type this out.

I went with my dad to help clear sticks out of a very large culvert at a pond.
My dad got into a small aluminum boat, and paddled up to the mouth
of the culvert, so we could get a large tree trunk out. I stood on top of the culvert,
and we tied a rope around the trunk, and I pulled up on it, and he slid the corner of the
boat under the tree, and I let it down. He had to sit on the edge of the boat so the tree
would not tip him over, and he paddled to the shore. When he got there, he pushed on the tree,
and I pulled with rope. What neither of us thought of was when the tree slid off of the boat,
and he was sitting on the edge, leaning out over the water, what was going to happen.
Yes, you guest it right, SPLASH, he took a dip. I wish I would have had a video camera with me,
because it probably would have got on one of those funny video shows.

Weight loss

Today, I stood on the scales and smiled. My weight is 265. That is better than the over 300 that I graduated with. I know that I have lost at least 35lbs since I graduated from high school. I will keep the updates going, when I loose a little more, and tell more about what happens to me. Since I last posted, gas hit $3.99 a gallon before going back down a little, and my dad fell into a pond, funny story coming later. See y'all later.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Just this morning I had to go into town, and I saw the gas prices, the "cheap" stuff was $3.87 a gallon. Even though I am young, 23 just about to be 24, I can remember when gas was $0.95 a gallon, I also vividly remember the worry that gas would hit $2.00 a gallon. It seemed so high back then, but now would be considered a serious discount. I have no doubt that I will soon see $5.00 a gallon, or even more. One thing I have noticed is that there are not as many cars on the road as there were a few years ago. Also when I pull up to a pump and see the reading of the last guy to pump, it is not uncommon to see three digits, usually about $150 if he filled all the way up. On another note, I am working on getting an exact weight, and may be a picture, with my face blurred out so some goof doesn't put my head on a cow or something.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Weight comming soon

Soon I will add my current weight, tell how I am loosing, how fast I am loosing, and possibly a little comedy. I still have a few things to straighten out before I can add the donation button, so keep those dollars in a safe place, and don't spend them on useless things like food, gas, or rent.
This is the first post in my new blog. Hello, I am Big John. I am building this website to document my weight loss. When I graduated high school I was over 300lbs. The main focus of the blog will be my weight loss, but I will also post funny things that happen to me, and try to do a little stand up comedy. I will also add a paypal donation button so you can toss in a buck or two if I made you laugh. Seriously, even if you drip in 1 dollar, thats a dollar that I didn't have a minute ago, and I appreciate every donation. Before we get started let me be clear that this is not donations to a charity, or hard luck case, I am a private individual building a blog to document my weight loss, do some stand up comedy, and make a few dollars. Think of it as tossing a few coins into the guitar case of a street performer.