Thursday, June 12, 2008

Funny story-TRUE!!

I finally got time to sit down and type this out.

I went with my dad to help clear sticks out of a very large culvert at a pond.
My dad got into a small aluminum boat, and paddled up to the mouth
of the culvert, so we could get a large tree trunk out. I stood on top of the culvert,
and we tied a rope around the trunk, and I pulled up on it, and he slid the corner of the
boat under the tree, and I let it down. He had to sit on the edge of the boat so the tree
would not tip him over, and he paddled to the shore. When he got there, he pushed on the tree,
and I pulled with rope. What neither of us thought of was when the tree slid off of the boat,
and he was sitting on the edge, leaning out over the water, what was going to happen.
Yes, you guest it right, SPLASH, he took a dip. I wish I would have had a video camera with me,
because it probably would have got on one of those funny video shows.

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